
The Secret Way For Internet Business

The need to have a business on the internet. Do you believe that most of the entrepreneurs could generate 200% income of the sales after they have their own business website on the internet?
Do you believe that Internet is the FIRST medium to generate profitable business?
First Lesson: I have a friend, who opens a business for house-gate-making and everything related to the security grills and so on. His business was not doing very well even though he was the only one who owned and offered such business and services in his area. He also spend a lot of money for printed advertising through newspaper, unfortunately the business was still discouraging, and getting less responses from the customers.
Right after he developed a business website, and advertised it on the Internet and also newspaper-written together the URL for his website, just like his wish was granted to get a better income for his business. The customers increased faster, and they came unlimitedly to get the service. That would be a proof on how a business with the website could give you better impression for your business & of course your income.
Second Lesson:
My friend was a novelist in a famous publishing company in KarangKraf. Before this, the sale for his novel was slower. During the first printing, it took a long time to be sold out.
After she had promoted his novel on the Internet, now he can smile heartedly because people are rushing for his novel. Not even the newly published novels, but also the previous ones, people are still looking for them to buy.
Just take a lesson from 2 stories written above, we can see the impact of having business on the Internet. It would be very profitable & advantageous.
Before I start explaining how to develop business website on the Internet, let me explain why we always find failure in making internet business.
1. We Know, But We Don't Act
Can you solve my riddle?
There are 10 chicks that are being seen by a few eagles on the sky. 8 of those realize that they are seen by the eagles, and within anytime the eagles could catch them. Thus, the chicks wish to hide somewhere from becoming the prey of the eagles. The eagles somehow fly to the group of chicks and catch them. How many of them are safe?
The answer would be none of them are safe even though the 8 chicks WISH to hide. This is because the chicks have just wished to hide, meaning that they are just planning. But they haven't done the ACTION of hiding yet, it is just the PLAN.
What the story above relates you?
You are wishing to start doing your business on the Internet, but you haven't set the ACTION. You just set the WISH.
The successful people are those who set actions after the plans, and they made it not only by day-dreaming. This is one of the points why people always fail to setup their business on the Internet. THIS IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN US AND THOSE SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE ON THE INTERNET. THIS IS THE ONLY POINT. BELIEVE IT. They act and apply everything the learnt from their readings & experience into their real life. It is not because of our marketing methods are wrong or whatsoever.
You wish to start your business, but you do not act for it, just like starting to learn how to realize the wish. You do not try to learn any simple business methods from the Internet (which is in English Language of Course) that explain the secrets of the Internet business. You do not set the starting point to learn how to start doing business just by reading those useful & informational articles. Of course, it is clear here that you do not need to attend any workshops to know how to have business on the Internet because those successful people, most of them just read the books and articles from the Internet, and right after that they set-up the action point.
** Please do not think that the web development task is a hurdle for you. I will tell give you the solution at the end of these articles later.
Actually I just put the number for every single failure causal for the Internet Business. Obviously, it does not need to be numbered, because it is only one MAIN REASON. This is because I want to show to everyone; that is THE ONLY MAIN REASON OF FAILURE for us to start the business on the Internet.
You are walking inside a shopping mall; there are a lot of shops that sell any kind of goods. As a visitor, and of course a buyer, you will be walking inside the mall to find for the items you are looking for. Once in a while you might see other item that attracts you. You might be buying it because you like it, although you are not planning to get it at first.
You could also see the advertisements that are placed anywhere inside the shopping premise. You would see item of new arrivals, placed by the owner of the shop in front of their shops on the display part to attract the interest of the customers like you.
Ok, now you have imagined that happens? And now I bet that you could feel how the situation would be, right? Now, please read through and compare with the other information below
On the Internet, a website is just the same as a shopping mall that you always go for shopping, as I explained above. Inside of the mall there are a lot of shops selling various kind of product that are needed by every visitor.
The visitors on the Internet do not have to waste a lot of energy to walk here and there looking for the items they want. They just need to sit down on the comfort chair at their own place, and click here and there to see whatever items they are interested for. They can ask in details from the enquiry/contact form provided inside the website.
You can also advertise other people's products inside your website on the Internet by charging them the fees to place the advertisements. You can place it anywhere you like.

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